kinetic reactor

Edinstvena tehnologija čiščenja vode

KINETIC REACTOR na pipi omejuje nalaganje vodnega kamna, nevtralizira neželene anorganske (npr. težke kovine) in organske (degradacija kompleksnih organskih molekul) snovi v pitni vodi. Zaradi močnih oksidacijskih procesov organskih in anorganskih elementov v vodi se izboljšata okus in vonj vode, kjer je učinek takojšen.

Kupite zdaj

Kinetic reactor
Vidno izboljša kakovost pitne vode

Kinetična tehnologija je že prisotna v industriji in zdravstvu, da bi zmanjšala obloge vodnega kamna na naraven način brez dodajanja kemikalij in omogočila bolj čisto vodo . Številni uporabniki po vsem svetu so zelo zadovoljni z rezultati Kinetic Reactor izdelka na pipi. Z kinetično tehnologijo se apnenec izloča v obliki aragonita in ne v obliki kalcita, kot je do sedaj v večini primerov.

Številni testi so potrdili, da Kinetic Reactor nastavek na pipi daje obliko 100% aragonita, kar so dokazali testi na inštitutih v več državah. Kinetična tehnologija zmanjšuje usedline vodnega kamna in posledično varuje vašo opremo v domu kot so npr. ( pipe, kuhinjska korita, kavne aparate, kuhalnike vode, kozarce itd.) Nastavek za pipo Kinetic Reactor ima vgrajen regulator pretoka vode, ki vedno umerja količino pretoka vode na 4 l / min, ne glede na tlak vode, ki je dejansko v instalaciji. Zato je prihranek vode na vaših pipah najmanj do 50%.

icon V

Izboljšan okus in vonj vode

Higienski indikator
Naprava za spremljanje higene na iztočnih mrežicah

Predloženi izum je naprava za spremljanje higiene iztočnih mrežic na sanitarnih baterijah. Naprava po izumu omogoča hiter vpogled na sito iztočne mrežice, oziroma se zelo enostavno lahko spremlja koliko mehanskih delcev in nesnage se je s pretokom vode nakopičilo na iztočni mrežici sanitarne baterije. Nesnaga in trdi delci, ki nastajajo v cevovodih, kot nesnaga, ki se nabirajo po notranjih stenah cevi v obliki vodnega kamna in biofilma bakterij se posledično s pretokom vode odlepijo od notranjih sten cevi in se delci ustavijo na iztočnih končnih točkah, kot je mrežica na sanitarni bateriji.

Uporabniki pip so po naših raziskavah zelo malo ozaveščeni, da prav nesnaga, ki se ustavi na mrežicah sanitarnih baterij je v večini primerov že pred formiran biofilm bakterij kateri se z prisotnostjo sobne temperature še bolj eksponentno povečuje in posledično zaradi slabe higiene nevede uživamo bakterije, ki lahko škodujejo našem zdravju. Predlagano rešitev vidimo v prihodnosti kot novi standard za sanitarne baterije (pipe), saj bo možna redna kontrola higiene, s čimer se bo spodbudilo rednočiščenje iztočnih mrežic. Inovacija bo tako omogočila čiščenje iztočnih mrežic takoj ko bo tudi najmanjši del nesnage prisoten na situ, saj nihče ne bo želel piti vodo prek nesnage in bo zato predhodno očistil mrežico in si nato natočil kozarec vode. Dodatno prednost vidimo tudi v tem, da bodo tudi ljudje, ki do sedaj niso čistili iztočne mrežice, ker so ta del izvajali njihovi bližnji, sami skrbeli za higieno iztočnih mrežic na pipah.

Kupite zdaj



Kinetic technology and its product, kinetic reactor, are the result of six years experimental work and research and development verifications based on a more than twenty years of experiance working with water. We have developed unique patented water treatment technology based on the exploitation of the phenomena of hydrodynamic cavitation, mechanical shear stress of jet streams and oxidation processes. KINETIC REACTOR technology is already present in several countries on different continents.








The first step includes reducing the flow of water to a fixed 4 L/min, which is an important aspect of water conservation (Swiss patented flow regulator for water conservation). Water flow rates with traditional nozzles are typically between 8 and 15 L/min.


Unlike standard water treatment devices, Kinetic Reactor uses kinetic technology based on hydrodynamic cavitation. With this new process, the water is aerated using the mechanical power for water treatment in the negative pressure range. This complex and innovative technology is the main part of our product and does not require any maintenance thanks to an integrated self-cleaning device. However, due to the consequences of cavitation, it is recommended to replace the product at intervals of 12 months.

Kinetic Reactor products are patented and protected.


The previously treated water enters the core of the kinetic reactor (kinetic chambers), where technology is used to transform the water's aggregate state from a homogenised form to a liquid-gas state. Because of the increased surface area of the water, this state of water is far more receptive to cleaning, allowing cleaning at the micro level.


At a micro level, water oxidises organic and inorganic substances. Purification results in a noticeable improvement in water taste, smell, and turbidity reduction.


The kinetic state of water in a sub-pressure environment promotes gas release from the water. There are numerous gases in water that can be hazardous to our health. The extraction of organic halogen gases improves the smell of the water and, among other things, changes the structure of the lime scale from calcite to an aragonite form that is more human-friendly.

Lime scale in aragonite form does not stick to surfaces, making it much easier to remove (no cleaning agents are needed, it can be wiped with a cloth). The release of CO2 lowers the acidity of the water, making it more alkaline, which is beneficial for our bodies.


Water disinfection can be made more efficient by treating it in a low-pressure environment. Bacterial microcell walls are weakened, allowing hydrodynamic cavitation, oxidation, and chlorine to easily reach the bacteria's core. This process improves the effectiveness of chlorine, reducing the number of bacteria as well as the amount of chlorine in the water. The oxidation of organic and inorganic matter in water takes place at micro level. We can also use micro-oxidation to reduce the amount of soluble heavy metals in water.

Using these processes, we reduce cohesive forces in the water and pre-structure water in a natural way. Such water has the most similar structure to natural drinking water, which is much better for our health because it bonds to our cells more easily and quickly hydrates us.

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